Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Why do we process your personal information?


We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:




Where we need to perform the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you.


Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests to improve our Services and to provide you a safe and secure Platform.


Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.


In certain circumstances, we may also process your personal data based on your consent. If we do this, we will let you know the purpose and the category of personal data to be processed at the time we seek your consent.




We have set out below a description of the reasons for which we use your personal data, [and which of the legal bases we rely on to do so. We have also identified what our legitimate interests are, where appropriate].




2 For providing access and delivering Services through our Platform




1. If you log in using your mobile number or email id, we use your first name and last name, mobile number and/or e-mail address to identify you as a user and provide access to our Platform.


2. If you log in using your Facebook account or Google account or your Apple ID, we use your first name and last name and your email address of such account, as well as the URL to your profile picture (except for Apple ID) we use your first name and last name from your Facebook profile and the Facebook e-mail address to identify you as a user on our Platform and to provide you access to our Platform.


3. We use third party payment service providers to process any payment you make to our Services. Depending on the method of payment, you may be requested to provide us with your payment and credit card details which we will then provide to the payment service provider in order to process your payment. We do not store your credit card information, unless you choose the option to save such information in order to make recurring payments easier without having to re-enter your details each time. In such cases, we only store your card holder name, the card expiry date, your card type and the last four digits of the card number. We do not store any credit card code verification values and merely forward such values and your credit card number in an encrypted manner for the purpose of processing your payment by our payment service provider.


We process the above information for adequate performance of our contract with you.




3  For improving your experience on the Platform and developing new functionalities of the Platform




We use clickstream data to:


Offer you tailored content, such as giving you more relevant search results when using our Services.


To determine how much time you spend on our Platform and in what manner you navigate through our Platform in order to understand your interests and to improve our Services based on this data. For example, we may provide you with suggestions on content that you can visit based on the contents you have clicked.


To monitor and report the effectiveness of the campaign delivery to our business partners and internal business analysis.


2. If you choose to provide us with your location data, we use your location data for following purposes:


To compile anonymous and aggregated information about the characteristics and behavior of HTTPS://RENTZONE.IN users, including for the purposes of business analysis, segmentation and development of anonymous profiles.


To enhance the performance of our Services and to personalize the content we direct towards you. For example – with the help of location data we display ad listings which are in your vicinity to improve your buying experience. For this purpose, Google Maps is integrated into our Platform. This means that both Google and we are responsible for the processing of your location data in the context of Google Maps. In any case, we will not process your location data for any other purposes but those explained in this Privacy Statement. However, Google might process such location data for their own purposes as explained in the Google Privacy Policy which can be reviewed Your use of Google Maps through our Platform is subject to Google Maps’ Terms of Service.


To measure and monitor your interaction with the third-party advertisement banners, we place on our Platform.


With the help of your account information, which includes your email ID and phone number, we map the different devices (such as desktop, mobile, tablets) used by you to access our Platform. This allows us to associate your activity on our Platform across devices and helps us in providing you a seamless experience no matter which device you use.                                                                     


We use the images you upload, the descriptions and prices you provide in your ad listings to train machine learning models to personalize search results in relation to ad ranking and user interest, to improve the identification and presentation of ad listings, to improve the search function and to increase the likelihood of a successful sale. This helps us to improve our Services and to provide you with a better user experience.                                                                                                                                              


To show and recommend ad listings on our Services that may be of interest to you, we make use of algorithms that use information related to your browsing behavior, items you bought, clickstream data, your user ID and your location data if you have given us permission to use this. We use this form of automated decision-making on the basis of our legitimate interest in improving our Services and provide a better user experience by offering you more relevant ad listings.                      


We access and analyze your chat messages with other users conducted through the chat function on our Platform, for product enhancement and to provide you with a better user experience (e.g. to identify sold items and to provide you with active listings only). Therefore, we develop and train machine learning models and algorithms to automatically analyze your chat content. To build and train our machine learning models our machine learning specialists may review exemplary chat content manually. In these circumstances highly restricted access rights apply to selected machine learning specialists analyzing the chat content. During this analyzation process, we are de-identifying chat content as much as possible by applying a scanning filter to detect and hide personal data such as names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses. However, there may still be cases beyond our control in which the chat content may show certain personal data that you have chosen to provide.   


7. In case you agree to opt for KYC verification as available on our Services, depending on the device camera permission, we will request you to click in real time an image of your face and an image of your identity proof in quick succession in order to verify your identity. Upon completion of the KYC process, in case the image on the identity proof matches with the image of the face captured, your account will be considered as verified. Such verification will help you to build trust among other users and receive better responses to your listings.


8. In case you agree to provide the RC while posting an ad for your car on our Services, we will request to provide an image of your RC during the posting flow, along with images of your car. Upon submitting your listing, if the RC details match the registration number of your car, your ad listing will state “RC reviewed by HTTPS://RENTZONE.IN”. Such verification will help you to build trust among other users and receive better responses to your listings. The RC will be reviewed internally and no details of the RC will be displayed on our Services.






We process the above information for adequate performance of our contract with you and on the basis of our legitimate interest to improve your experience of our Services.








4 To take your feedback, promote and offer you Services that may be of your interest 




1. We use your mobile number, log data and unique device identifiers to administer and protect our Platform (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, fraud prevention, system maintenance, support, reporting and hosting of data).                                           


We access and analyze your chat messages with other users conducted through the chat function on our Services for customer satisfaction, safety and for fraud prevention purposes (e.g. to block spam or abusive messages that may have been sent to you by other users). Therefore, we develop and train machine learning models and algorithms helping us to automatically detect and prevent inappropriate and fraudulent user behavior. During the analyzation and training process, we are de-identifying chat content as much as possible by anonymizing the unique identification values assigned to users. However, there may still be cases beyond our control in which the chat content may show certain personal data that you have chosen to provide. Only in limited cases and circumstances, our customer safety and security specialists review chat content manually, for example, if we have strong indications leading to the urgent suspicion of fraudulent activities. In these circumstances highly restrictive access rights apply to selected customer safety and security specialists analyzing the chat content. 


3. To prevent and detect fraud on our Services, we make use of algorithms that recognize suspicious or fraudulent user behavior based on certain information such as user activity and posted content, which may lead to us banning certain user accounts. Automated banning happens when there is a very high degree of certainty that an account or action is fraudulent. Otherwise human review takes place by selecting customer safety and security specialists on the basis of highly restrictive access rights. We use this form of automated decision-making on the basis of our legitimate interest to detect and prevent fraud and to keep our Services safe and secure for our users. If you think that your account was wrongfully banned, you can contact our Customer Support team, in which case our team will review the decision to ban your account. 


4. We collect certain information from and in relation to the electronic device from which you are accessing our Services on the basis of our legitimate interest in preventing fraud on our Services. The information we collect includes your user ID (depending on whether you are logged in), HTTPS://RENTZONE.IN country domain, IP address, device language settings, device brand and type, device operating system and version, browser type and version, and device specific software information such as fonts, system and browser Time zone, available video and audio formats. The device related information is used to determine whether the same device is being used when users interact with our Services. We associate such information with a user fraud score on the basis of which we may ban certain users. For more information on this, please be referred to our Policy for Cookies and Similar Technologies. If you think that your account was wrongfully banned, you can contact us through our customer support helpline in which case our team will review the decision to ban your account.                                                                                         


5 To take your feedback, promote and offer you Services that may be of your interest




1. We may contact you through your registered mobile number or email id in order to take feedback from you about our Services.


2. We use your email address and mobile number (by SMS) to make suggestions and recommendations to you about our Services that may be of interest to you.


3. We use clickstream data to monitor and report the effectiveness of the campaign delivery to our business partners and internal business analysis.


4. If you choose to provide us with your location data, we may use your location data to measure and monitor your interaction with the third-party advertisement banners we place on our Services.


We process the above information based on our legitimate interest in undertaking marketing activities to offer you Services that may be of your interest. Specifically, you may receive certain marketing communications from us:


By any preferred means of communication if you have requested such information from us.


By email or phone, regarding similar products and services, if you already use our Services or acquired some of our products. 


By phone or email, if you provided us with your details when you entered a competition; or 


By phone or email if you registered for a promotion. 


By phone or email, if you have provided your feedback for our Services through our Platform, social media, or any other means.


Being a registered user on our Platform, please note that if you have registered yourself on DND/DNC/NCPR services, you will still receive the above communications.


You can ask us to stop sending you such marketing communication at any time by clicking on the opt-out link in the email sent to you or by changing your notification settings in your account or by stating our calling agent that you do not wish to be contacted for the above marketing communications.

How will we inform you about changes in our privacy statement?

We may amend and update this privacy statement from time to time. We will notify you of material changes to this privacy statement as appropriate under the circumstances and as required by applicable laws, e.g. by placing a prominent notice within our Services or by sending you a message via our Services or by sending you an email. If you do not agree with the way we are processing your personal data and the choices we are providing to you, you may close your account at any time by going into your account settings and select delete account. 


We will communicate with you by email, SMS or in the app notification in connection with our Services/Platform to confirm your registration, to inform you in case your ad listing has become live/expired and other transactional messages in relation to our Services. As it is imperative for us to provide you such transactional messages you may not be able to opt -out of such messages.